August 25, 2020

How to Get a Job in Another State Before Moving There

If you’re relocating cross country and you want to have a stable position and a safe monthly income before you arrive, you need to learn how to get a job in another state before moving there. This is not an easy task, but it’s worth the time and struggle, especially if you are going to move long distance and live in one of your favorite places and work the job of your dreams. Here’s what you need to know and do to get employed before you leave your old home behind.

There are a few steps to follow through that can make this important event much easier. Before you start thinking about throwing a moving away party and making friends in a new city you are going to, you need to do a walk-through of how to convince as many companies as you can to send you offers.

Should You Find a Job Before Moving Cros Country?

The answer is simple – yes, you should. Relocating to another state means that you’ll have moving expenses, a rent to pay, all kinds of bills, and of course the essentials like food, clothes, etc. A stable monthly income will become necessary, and you won’t have much time to look for it once you are there. Some people can end up looking for employment for months, and the rents and bills are just piling up. To avoid any possibility of these kinds of stress, make sure that you have a position waiting for you before you start thinking about what would be the cheapest way to move out of state or how much to tip movers.

How Soon Should You Look for a Job When Relocating Long Distance?

If you have already decided that you want to relocate somewhere in another state, but you’re not sure about the timing, that shouldn’t stop you from searching for employment. Whatever might be your reason to move, you should start asking around and checking if you know any local residents from your future place. They can be a good source of information and finding someone who works in the same field as you would be a complete win. All of this should be done as soon as your decision is definite – companies that you apply to and say that you are not quite sure about relocating to their city won’t take you as a serious candidate.


Is It Hard to Get a Job in Another State?

It is quite more complicated than looking for jobs in the place you live, but it’s doable with enough work and effort. To make it easier to understand, we listed the obstacles that you will or may face during this hunt:

  • You need to deal with the discrimination because you are not in that city now. Most companies care a lot more about candidates that live close, rather than someone who isn’t even there yet.
  • You could be unfamiliar with the mentality of people that live and work there.
  • You will need to be very careful when adapting your resume for a certain company.
  • The change in your employment will happen at the same time or very close to your date of relocation, which could be extremely stressful.
  • There are travel costs if the company invites you for an in-person interview.
  • If your reason for long distance relocation isn’t that you got hired, you might have to pay for the relocation expenses by yourself.

Now that you’ve seen what the problems are, let’s point out the solutions.

There's no dilemma that it's better to find work before relocating to a different state.

Make Sure You’ve Done a Thorough Research of the Job Market in the New State

One of the first things that you need to check out before starting your search is the job market – who are the biggest employers, what are the median and average salaries, etc. That way, you will be aware of what you can ask for and what you can expect from the employer and your career. If you are relocating to a metropolis or some of the US economic hubs like California or Texas, you need to know how to find what you are looking for without wasting too much time doing the research. Here are the three most useful ways to find your perfect position.

1.   Looking for a Job Out of State Asks for Networking

Some career and executive coaches might even say that “Networking is the key,” whether it is online or live, so create a business network (if you don’t have one already.) Getting recommendations from your friends, family, or acquaintances that live and work there will be a huge plus for your future employment. You don’t know anyone in the place you are relocating to? No worries. Use social media and professional networking websites like Linkedin, or some of its alternatives, and you will surely find someone who can help you. Once you make connections, keep following up with them. Any kind of insight from your future home town will be insightful. Online networking groups from that town that you can join can also be an excellent way to find out more useful info.

2.   Start Creating a List of Companies

This list will be essential – no matter if you’ve just graduated or you’re a senior, it’s always helpful to have a list of companies that you can reach out to. That list should include their addresses, contact, and connections (if you have them). Try to make room for companies that are hiring now, but not have your specific profession as an open position. We understand that this might sound odd, but trust us, it’s effective. Hunting for employment isn’t only about looking for jobs that are strictly in your work field. Widen your search filter a bit and apply for positions similar to the one you have now. If a company is hiring, that means that it’s growing and that it needs more hard-working and dedicated employees.

3.   Leave Enough Time for the Research

This could be one of the most common mistakes people make when they search for employment. Keep in mind that you’ll have the whole process of relocating on your mind, including canceling utilities, changing the address, getting new documents, planning your moving budget, and searching for the perfect home. All these tasks can be done only with proper preparation and organization, so it’s best to have enough time for everything.

Organizing is crucial for these kinds of events

The First Step of How to Get a Job in Another State Before Moving There

Since we’ve explained all the crucial steps for preparation, we can now start dealing with the primary question – How do I get a job in another state before I move. You’ve found out which companies are currently employing, you targeted the opportunities in the place you’re relocating to, made connections, and now what?

The next step is contacting the company or organization you are interested in. Since that is the first contact you have, it’s crucial that you convince your future employers that you are relocating there, and leave no room for double interpretation. Try to include your reason for the relocation as well, so that it sounds more convincing. Some HR specialists might be concerned with relocation costs, so let them know that you’ll be happy to pay for them yourself.

Get tips on how to think like an HR specialist so that you can get hired easily

What Do Perfect Resume and Cover Letter Must Include When Applying for Out-Of-State Jobs

There is a dilemma when it comes to applying for a position in a company that’s in another city across the state border, and it’s about which address you should put – the current one that might cause losing out on an interview from a company who wants local candidates only, or should you put some local address and lie. Both are risky, and there’s no correct answer because people have different opinions on this one.

Our advice is to put your current address, and include the approximate or exact date when you will relocate. As we said, the employer must be convinced that you are relocating, but there’s no use of lying. Find a good template for your resume, keep it simple and not longer than two pages. Include what organizations you worked for and what were your positions. Explain your qualifications and qualities at the top half of the first page – most companies care only about how you will contribute to them, and they will want to hire someone who keeps things simple.

What Should Your Cover Letter Include?

A cover letter is your chance to introduce yourself a bit better than just talking where you have worked so far. Some companies don’t ask for these anymore, but they might ask you to send an additional email, or you will have an application tracking system where you can provide some notes about yourself. Don’t be too extensive – it’s best to explain everything in just a few sentences. Address the person respectfully, and let them know why you are inquiring about it. In the next paragraph, say what you offer, how many years of experience in your career, and that you are a strong candidate.

You’ll Probably Have Phone or Video Interviews – Here’s How to Prepare for Them

You want to be noticed, to stand out from all the others, and to get the job immediately. How to manage that? With an excellent interview. After the recruitment team liked your resume and cover letter, it’s time to talk to them over the phone or on a video call (there is a chance that they will invite you to come and talk in person, depending on how far you are).

Firstly, you need to let them know why you chose them and why you are a perfect fit. Be very focused and clear when you speak, and don’t forget to mention the relocation. The hirer must not feel in your approach that you’re applying for all jobs there are in the city, even if you are doing so. Tell them that you are interested in that position specifically and only in that town.

Also, if you don’t have a particular reason why you’re relocating, it’s best to tell them that you are moving for love or friends. That way they will think that you’ve been in the town many times and you liked it. Not many HR specialists will hire you if they hear that you’ve never been there before, but you are relocating.

In case you are applying for more positions at the same time, and you are coming to that city for an interview, try to group them in the same week. That way you won’t have to go back and forth between scheduled appointments.

If you're under three hours from your future company, don't hesitate to come and have an in-person interview

Another Important Thing About This Transition Is Hiring the Right Professional Movers

This is a stressful period – you will be changing your home, company, or position, you’ll have new colleagues, and many other things will be different. That is why you’ll need all the support you can get from your loved ones and also all the help from professional cross country movers. You will need reliable long-distance moving services and probably auto shipping if you choose to drive to work. If you haven’t found the perfect place to settle in, you might choose to live in a temporary home, while your belongings have to be in a storage unit. All of these factors ask for someone reputable to help you relocate, so you don’t end up with more worries than you had in the first place. As you are thorough when you search for new employment, use that same skill to find the best professional movers, and avoid most of the moving stress.

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