July 21, 2021

How to Plan and Execute a Seamless Office Move

Organizing an office move means dealing with hundreds of details. And we mean hundreds – from tackling all law regulations of transferring the business to another state to packing the whole working area for cross-country moving. Here are all the ultimate steps on how to prepare for the move and why is the assistance of professional cross-country movers essential for quick and safe relocation of the biz.

Organizing workplace move entails a lot of details, so make sure to start with preparations in time

#1 Step: Planning the Office Move Through Phases Means Thinking of the Tiniest Details

Creating a detailed plan and a to-do list on how to move the working space to another location and matching it with your timeline is of utmost importance. This plan should entail the tiniest details, from getting rid of the documentation and other things that won’t be packed for relocation to assignees in charge of this project.

Set the Timing for Office Relocation

The perfect timing to start with the organization of this process depends on the office size. For instance, the plan for the move of small offices of up to 50 SqFt needs to be set around three months ahead, when some tasks should be already completed. On the other hand, larger offices may require even eight months of preparation.

So, once you sign the contract related to workspace relocation, and set the moving out date with a current space provider, ensure to start searching for trustworthy long-distance movers specialized in commercial relocations. They should be able to provide you with all the necessary assistance.

Choose the Right Long-Distance Moving Company to Provide You With an Impeccable Relocation Experience

When it comes to office moving, one thing is sure – your business can’t wait, and there is no option for postponing or rescheduling dates. That means that knowing the exact relocation date is an essential detail that will direct the rest of the move.

Finding a long-distance moving company that can provide you with all the long-distance moving services you may need is definitely a task to tackle. Having a professional company to lead you through the whole process and facilitate it, giving you some practical solutions and thus saving on moving costs, is the best way to attain a stress-free relocating experience. Additionally, professionals will handle your electronics and sensitive items, while you are finishing up paperwork.


What to Check With Professional Movers Before You Plan a Move to a New Working Space?

Firstly, check if a relocating company is legitimate. Next should be the inquiry if it operates as a car shipping company, too, so you can get auto transport for your business fleet, and what packing services they can offer you to efficiently move your office. Once you have resolved all these questions, schedule the relocation date, and start organizing for the move!

Bonus tip: If you’re moving the firm’s fleet, ensure to ask the auto-transport company how long does it take to ship a car, so you can plan the schedule. And if you need a couple more useful tips on how to organize your biz move, take a look at the video below.

#2 Step: Make Sure to Notify All Related Parties About Moving to a New Office Space

Relocating to another city or state means you should inform all your employees, biz partners, service providers, and financial institutions about the address change. So, creating a list of who to notify when relocating is the best way not to miss anyone important to inform about the move and do everything by the law.

Do the Change of Address With All Institutions

Updating the biz address with all institutions that in some way help your business operate is of utmost importance. Here is the list of institutions that you should definitely notify about an address change:

  • USPS – start the address change with USPS to ensure that all the notices, important letters, and documents will still come to the right address. You can do it online, which is super convenient and the best way to end it.
  • IRS – notifying Internal Revenue Service about an address update is mandatory, and it can be done online filing Form 8822-b. Here, you can note all the modifications regarding the address, responsible, party, email address. So, consult your tax advisor or accountant on the deadline for updating those details, and ensure doing it in time. And speaking of taxes, don’t forget to notify the state’s tax agency and fulfill their requirements too.
  • Fill out amendment forms with the new state’s authorities in order to continue operating legally.
  • Licencing agencies – again, if your biz requires a license, ensure to ask the specific agency for instructions on how to do it.
  • Insurance companies – since the insurance policy is not valid in case of incorrect data, changing it is a must-do.
  • Financial institutions – banks, accountants, and any similar organizations should be on the list too.

Inform the Employees About the Upcoming Change and Make Sure to Know Who You Can Count On

The moment you have defined all the timelines is the best time for informing employees about the upcoming relocation since that can impact their lives. Also, set a date by which they have to let you know who is likely to move for a job and who is ready to take the responsibility of some smaller projects and help with moving. You should also consider offering some additional financial support to those who wish to relocate. They will need help in organizing their home move and when looking for a new home, too.

The details you need to cover in this information are:

  • Reasons to move – explain why you’ve decided to move the firm, be it a better business climate, tax incentives, lower maintenance cost, possibility to buy the property, or similar.
  • The date of leaving from the current space, and the relocation day itself,
  • The date until employees should declare themselves if they’re willing to move to a new state and leave their hometown for a company,
  • Their tasks specifically related to relocation, such as informing all the partners or being in charge of some project.

Don’t Forget About the Clients and Business Partners!

Informing your clients and biz partners about an address change is also a mandatory task on the to-do list. Sending them an email, or a letter about your upcoming relocation, explaining why you do it, and providing them with all necessary information is the best way to keep in touch with them and nurture good relations. Also, updating that information on your social media channels and website will make it more visible, so post an official announcement there.

Informing the employees, partners, and clients about the upcoming move using all available channels is of utmost importance

#3 Step: Form the Team in Charge of Relocation

One of the greatest relocating mistakes could be trying to do everything by yourself. No matter how small or big your firm is, trying to have the packaging of the entire work area under control is just an impossible mission. That’s why creating a team in charge of relocation who can help you brainstorm ideas, plan, and organizing the whole process can be of great help. Creating the team implies assigning the team leader who will ensure that all the employees pack their desks, documentation, and other work equipment and that everything is done in time.

Also, communication with the team is of utmost importance. Keeping the employees updated, asking for their opinion, or whether they need another piece of equipment for the new office will surely motivate them to participate in the whole process actively. Of course, asking them about their preferences for the design of the new workplace can’t hurt either.

The team in charge of relocation will be your best backup when planning a move

#4: Go Through Documents Archives and Get Rid of Everything You Don’t Need

We are sure you don’t want the new working space cluttered with unnecessary papers that don’t have any use or value anymore. So, instead of packing them automatically, organize the documents by sorting them into categories like contracts, insurance policies, invoices, bills, and alike, and decide whether to keep them or recycle them.

Get rid of all unnecessary papers you don't need, and your new storage place won't end up cluttered

#5: Make Sure All Equipment Functions on the First Working Day at the New Office

The equipment like servers, telephones, desktop computers, internet, and alarm systems has to work perfectly on the first working day, so ensure to schedule the installation with a professional technician way in advance. This way, you’ll have just enough time to test all the equipment and prevent any stressful situations. The continuity of IT and telephone systems, after all of them are disconnected and transferred to a new address, is a must-do since this is the way the business operates and generates revenue too.

Ensure that equipment is set up properly and that everything is ready for the first working day

Are You Ready for the First Working Day In a Brand New Office Space?

Now you have a sketch of how your relocation office plan should look like, we are sure you are completely ready to start organizing it. Just keep up with dates, consult with the team regularly, and hire professional long-distance movers to help you out, and everything will go much smoother than you could possibly imagine.

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Are you ready to book your move or get a free estimate?

Get a Free Moving Estimate or call (877) 266-8997