Useful Tips for Creating a Moving to Another State Checklist

Almost 25 percent of Americans move 500 miles or more from their old location. Moving across the country doesn’t have to be a stressful and tedious experience. With the help of moving to another state checklist, you will be able to plan everything in detail and not forget something essential, like changing the address or hiring long-distance movers.

Having a to-do list to keep you in check will minimize your procrastination and also will help you keep track of all the things you have already done. To help you speed up and make the whole process more efficient, we answered questions like How much money should you save to move to a different state and How do you relocate to another state.

Before Creating Moving to Another State Checklist Create a Budget

Long before you start the interstate moving process, you might wonder How much money should you save to move to a different state, as well as What is the average cost of moving to another state. The answers to these questions will depend on many factors, such as are you DIYing the whole thing or hiring a cross country moving company to do it for you.

There are many things you will be thinking about. That’s why to avoid moving stress, you should organize your finances beforehand. Calculating the moving budget and creating a relocation expenses checklist will prevent you from spending too much money, and it will help you figure when you should start saving up for the move. Keep in mind that this will be only a ballpark figure because of many variables.

Plan a budget when you figure out if you are hiring a company or DIYing

Hiring Movers Should Be on Top of Your Moving Out of State Checklist

Questions like How do you relocate to another state can have more than one answer. If you opt for hiring a long-distance moving company to help you, the first thing on the checklist should be finding reliable cross country movers.

To make sure you picked the best ones among many companies, call more than a few professionals and ask for a free quote. Also, don’t forget to ask about all the services, because from moving service to packing and even storage, a reliable state to state movers will be able to offer you all, including auto shipping service. Additionally, they will provide you with insurance that will cover the damage in case your stuff gets broken.


Pick the Right Day When Moving State to State

Research “long distance movers near me,” and contact a few companies to ask for an estimate. When you know how much do movers cost, there are few ways to lower the overall relocation expenses. One of the cheapest ways to move out of state is to book professionals during the year’s less busy months. With this in mind, you’ll probably wonder what is the best time of year to move? Relocate during the winter and save some money, because that’s when most companies are the least busy and the prices are the most affordable.

Professionals can offer a variety of services, from insurance to auto shipping

Important Item on Moving to a New State Checklist: Look for Living Arrangements and School for Kids

On your moving to-do list, finding a place to call home should be a top priority. This is a process that will require some time, so don’t hesitate to start early. One of the best house-hunting tips you can use is to write down all the requirements your property should fulfill. Those relocating with pets will probably require a yard, while those in pursuit of a career will look for a place closer to the office. Furthermore, when you finalize your search, ensure you know how to change your address before the relocation if you want to receive your mail.

When you know where you are going to live, if you have kids, you should look into enrolling them in the best educational institution possible. Check out the school district in your future location, as well as requirements for enrolling, and then send the documents from the current school to a future one.

Do your research on time and then change the address

Decluttering Is an Essential Part of Moving to a New State Checklist

One of the essential packing tips for relocation is – decluttering. Put it as a priority on your list because it will not only lower your overall relocation costs, but it will speed up the whole process. Moving furniture or clothes is not fun, especially if you don’t actually need them in your future home. To avoid clutter in the rooms, get rid of all the things you don’t use nor need, no matter if that is furniture, electronics, or clothes. Additionally, if you are hiring professionals to help you with relocation check what are the items movers won’t move and get rid of them in advance.

Donate Extra Stuff or Organize a Garage Sale

When you create a pile of items you are not taking with you, there are a few ways you can get rid of it. Write down a garage sale as a way you can earn some cash. Or you can give away your stuff to the less fortunate. Are you wondering, “where can I donate clothes for the homeless,” maybe where to donate toys, or even where to donate furniture? Many charities like Goodwill, Habitat for Humanity Restore, Baby2Baby, or Salvation Army will take various donations, and they can even organize a pickup.

If you want for everything to go according to a budgeting plan, declutter on time

Gathering Materials Should Be One of the Tasks on a Checklist for Moving to Another State

Have you opted for DIYing the relocation process? Maybe you want to pack up your stuff and let professionals move them, whatever the case might be, you will need packing materials for moving. When you are buying them, get everything from different sized boxes to various padding materials like packing paper and bubble wrap. Protecting your stuff with more than one material is one of the best packing tips for moving. That’s why don’t hesitate to get as many supplies as you deem necessary.

There Are a Few Places Where You Can Get Boxes for Free

When you are on a tight budget, every dollar counts. That’s why you should know where to get free moving boxes. While in a frenzy of collecting supplies, remember that you can always ask friends if they have some to spare. If they don’t, check with your local vendors or go online and visit Craigslist and Facebook groups that give them away.

Buy materials or get them for free from your local vendors

Weeks Before the Relocation Let Your Friends Know You Are Moving Across the Country

When moving cross country, you will be leaving some people behind. However, don’t despair, cause there is such a thing as long-distance friendships. When you set the relocation date, you should tell your friends and family about it. Don’t leave it for the last minute.

Telling your friends means they will be able to help you through the relocation process, even handling some of your tasks on a to-do list. They can pack books for moving or help you carry the furniture to the truck. Even though moving away from friends and family will be difficult, there is a way to ensure it is less stressful and sad. Schedule a moving away party and properly say goodbye to everybody.

Tell your friends and family that you are relocating and throw a party

Don’t Forget to Pack a Bag of Essentials for the First Day in a New Home

One of the tips for moving out of state you shouldn’t take for granted is packing a bag of essentials for the first day in a new home. Having a change of clothes, a toothbrush, a charger, and bedsheets will mean the world when you finally reach the desired destination. You won’t have to dig through a pile of boxes to find stuff you need cause you’ll already have them by your side.

Don’t Forget Some Basic Tools

Besides bringing clothes and necessary toiletries, an additional moving tip that you should take to heart when preparing a bag of essentials is – always be prepared for the unexpected. That’s why you should pack items like a flashlight, scissors, screwdriver, and basic cleaning supplies. Some of these are the most commonly forgotten things to pack, but they can make a huge difference in the first few days in your new place, and that’s why you should put them on the list.

A bag of essentials will ensure you have a pleasant first night in residence

Checklist for Moving Out of State Should Remind You to Switch off Utilities in the Old Place

When it comes to moving interstate, you will have a lot on your plate, but one of the last things you should do in your old home is to make sure you switched off utilities. They should be turned off one day after your move-out date. If you are moving from an apartment to a house, more likely than not your landlord will take care of it, but check-in with them nonetheless. However, that leaves you with the task of turning on utilities in your new residence. Don’t forget to schedule that for a day before you move in and avoid being without the internet, electricity, and water on your first day in the new home.

Utilities should be turned on and off a day before the relocation

Cleaning the Old Place Is One of the Unskippable Tasks

This is the task you likely won’t forget. However, it is always smart to write it down. When the professional long distance movers load the truck and leave the empty rooms, get cleaning supplies, and start scrubbing. Some of the most useful moving hacks that will speed up the cleaning are:

  • Use baking soda and vinegar to clean drains
  • Pour Coca-Cola into the toilet bowl and watch as the acidity breaks down the stains
  • Remove grease from cabinets by mixing baking soda, detergent, and water
  • Clean windows with homemade vinegar and water solution
  • Mix vinegar, detergent, and water to create a solution that will clean the carpets.

There Are a Few Things You Should Do After Relocation

Just because you are done with the old residence doesn’t mean you are done with the tasks on the list. As you arrive at your new location, the professionals will bring in your boxes, and make an inventory sheet or bill of lading with all the notes about your items. Check the boxes for any damage and then tip the crew for the job well done.

After the professionals are gone, make a bed, and unpack the essentials bag that holds all of your toiletries and bedsheets. Take a shower, cause let’s face it, it has been a long day, and you probably crave one. Then you should make a bed. If it is not too late, go grocery shopping and get some food and coffee. In the next week, you will have to go through the unpacking process where you will try to make a new house feel like a home. Keep your own pace, don’t rush it, and in the end, you will have a home you are really happy to live in.

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