When relocating to another residence, one of the must-do things is to learn how to transfer utilities. This is important because you don’t want to have to survive without water, electricity, or internet once you move to the next home. For that reason, we decided to present the tiniest details on how to switch all bills properly and assure the comfort of your new home the moment you start living there.

One of the Top Tasks on the Moving To-Do List Should Be Transferring Utilities
Organizing a relocation is a complex process, and one of the most common things you forget to do when you move, which is completely justified if you’re relocating for love, is to reschedule the services your house will need to function properly. So if you want to avoid any unpleasant situations and get a stress-free moving experience, one of the very useful moving tips would be to enlist all the services you use and start rescheduling them in time. Here are all the essential steps to organize this part of relocation seamlessly and move efficiently to your new home.
Create a List of Utility Services and Account Numbers and Decide What to Reschedule or Cancel
The very first step of organizing this part of the relocation process is to know who to notify about the change of your address and what your preferences are when it comes to utility usage. Creating a list of providers you need to contact, both for the place you’re moving out and relocating to, and labeling the tasks associated with them will be of essential help in keeping everything under control. Make sure to include these providers into your list and how much you spend for each per month:
- Water and sewer,
- Electricity,
- Gas,
- Waste removal,
- Landline phone,
- Internet,
- Cable TV,
- Parking permit.
After listing all these details, you’ll be prepared for the next step which is calling the utility companies you’ll be using in order to switch. Always check if there are any discounts for new accounts or if there is a way to lower the bill and ensure there are no lapses or delays in providing those resources.

A Reasons to Leave Utilities Connected While Selling the House
A house sale can take a couple of weeks to a couple of years depending on the type and price of the property on sale. However, cutting utilities off before the sale is closed is not such a great idea. You should definitely leave electricity, heat, and air conditioning connected because potential buyers will want to see how the house functions, and without them, it will be impossible to leave a good impression. There are more reasons why you shouldn’t disconnect anything right away.
Active Utilities Can Prevent Damage and Potential Security Problems in the House or Apartment
In case you shut off the heat and the temperature drops, you risk water pipes bursting, which can lead to floods and severe damage. This is definitely the last thing you would like to happen before selling the house. Also, if you cancel the electricity, it means that none of your fire alarms and security systems will be active. Another potential problem is that the potential buyers will not be able to perform home inspections that are essential to ensure that everything works properly. So although those bills might seem like an unnecessary expense right now, don’t cancel them until the house is actually sold.

How to Transfer Utilities When Buying a Home?
How do I transfer a utility bill to another name? One of the most frequent questions associated with this issue when relocating from an apartment to a house (or vice versa) is how to transfer utilities to the new owner when buying a home and whether it is possible to do it before closing. If the service hasn’t been shut down by the previous owners, updating your data with the provider will not be that difficult. You will only have to ask the previous owner which service providers to contact and make updates of names, addresses, and other required personal data. Companies usually don’t need more than 48 hours to make those changes. After the contract has been signed and you become the owner of the property, start setting up accounts with existing providers or cancel them and choose another one that provides better prices and conditions.
How to Transfer an Electric Bill to a New Owner?
The very first thing to do when trying to switch the electricity bill to the new owner is to research the provider that covers the area and explore which one of them offers the best conditions in terms of prices. You can do it with the county or state regulatory body or even with private companies that are more represented in the states with a deregulated electricity market.
To sum up, the moment you decide on an electricity service provider, contact a few companies in order to compare prices and schedule a meeting where you can sign the contract with them. Bring to the meeting all the documents they require:
- Government-issued ID,
- Passport,
- Birth certificate,
- Driver’s license,
- Social security number.
And, of course, you will be required to inform them about the exact address.
How to Transfer the Water Service?
When it comes to this type of service, it is most likely that the city or municipal governments will be in charge of providing water. The switch is very simple if you move to another part of the city because you will only have to update your name and address. However, when it comes to relocating to another city or state, the process is quite different. The starting point will be to decide on the company and then to provide all the necessary information and personal documents needed for signing the contract.
because you will only have to update your name and address.

How Do I Set Up Utilities When I Move to an Apartment Within the Same City
In case you’re moving out for the first time from your parent’s house or apartment, you will definitely be occupied with packing all the things you need for your first apartment and trying to remember even the most commonly forgotten things to pack. However, don’t forget to explore all the details on how to perform the switch, update the address with U.S. Postal Service, and change voter registration. Only after you cross out all the tasks from your to-do list, will it make sense to start planning a moving away party.
If you’re a relocation veteran who has already set everything up in the current apartment and is relocating to another one within the same city, transferring the services is a very simple process. The only thing you will actually have to update is your address and start date.
Since all companies now have an online registration form that allows you to change the data on your account, it will take you a couple of minutes to finish the whole process. Another benefit of online portals is that the requests submitted this way are much more quickly completed by providers, making them one of the most suitable options for how to transfer utility bills to another name.
How Do I Transfer Utilities to a New Tenant? A Short Guide for Landlords and Tenants
In some cases, these monthly bills might be included in the rent, and there is no need to make any changes because the landlord will be responsible for paying the bills. The costs that are usually included in the rent are water, garbage disposal, or internet. However, your safest bet is to check with the landlord if there are any exclusive utility providers they work with. If that is the case, you won’t have a choice but to go for that specific company. Also, if there are any preferred utility companies, you can make the right choice.
Of course, ensure to read the lease agreement, where all the details regarding the transfer of utilities to a new tenant will be defined, specifying the obligations of tenants and landlords, as well as any consequences. For example, in case the tenant misses a payment, the provider has the right to shut down the service, and in some cases, even the landlord could be held responsible.

Schedule the Final Meter and Make Sure You’re Paying Only for What You Used
You don’t want to be paying for something you haven’t actually used. For that reason, it is of tremendous importance to schedule the final meter before you switch or shut off the services. Why is this important? Well, in case there are some disparities over your latest bill, you will have the documentation with the listed shut-off date, and you’ll be able to resolve this issue easily. Schedule final meter readings for water, electricity, and gas and keep those reports in a safe place.
Pay all Outstanding Balances in Time
Paying all the outstanding or overdue bills is an essential issue to resolve before the relocation day since it can negatively affect your credit score. This is especially important to do if you are canceling the service because you don’t want the next tenant to receive notices addressed in your name.
Also, this is the perfect moment to update the address with providers, so they can send you all notices and final bills. In case you forget to update the address, you might miss some important information and get charged late fees. When you know all this, it becomes clear why you would like to avoid resolving these things to do after relocating as soon as possible.
Return All Equipment to the Provider Before Moving
Before you start packing electronics for relocating, ensure to gather all the equipment you should get back to the provider. Wi-fi modems, routers, cable boxes, access cards, battery backup units, and everything else that the contract you signed specifies should be returned to companies in great condition. Also, if any of these pieces of equipment required paying a deposit, ensure to get it back.

Timelines Will Help You Organize the Relocation Seamlessly
Relocation means hundreds of small tasks on your moving to-do list. However, with good organization and a well-maintained moving budget, everything will be in its place, and you’ll be completely ready for the relocation day. No matter if you’re relocating with pets, performing a military move, or want to move a car to another state and are searching for the cheapest way to ship a car, if you have all tasks scheduled on a clear timeline, there is no chance you will forget to do anything.
Lastly, the most efficient way to organize your relocation is to hire a professional long-distance moving company that will help you keep everything under control and provide all the long-distance moving services you could possibly need. It would also be great if they can provide you with auto-shipping and one-month free storage services too. Once you book all the professional assistance you want, transferring utilities will be a piece of cake on your to-do list. So don’t procrastinate, start preparing today, and schedule your relocation date in advance!