Residing in a tiny home can be beneficial for many reasons – from simply financial to practical. Whether you love places with a small number of square feet or it’s just a circumstance that you’ve found yourself in one, you’ll have to decorate your tiny abode. Check out small apartment ideas that can help you turn an empty studio into a warm, stylish home. We’re sure you will find something to implement that will add to the appeal of your residence.

How can I make my small apartment better? This dilemma haunts the minds of everybody who lives in a small number of square feet, and if you belong to that large group of people, this article is perfect for you. Decorating tiny spaces can seem challenging, but it’s not as complicated as one might think. Once you figure out interior design basics, you will realize that decorating can be plenty of fun.
How Do You Maximize a Small Space? Check Out Our Small Apartment Ideas and Improve Your Residence
If you are wondering how to decorate a small living room apartment after relocating to another city, the first thing you need to know is how to use all of the space you have. The concept of decorating tiny abodes is based on that policy – every inch of your home can serve a purpose. If you are smart about organizing your belongings, your place will always look like you have just downsized for a move.
So, keep in mind that anything is possible if you’re creative enough while trying to make an apartment feel like home. Whether you’re figuring out how to decorate a small apartment for Christmas, or you simply want your kitchen items to look neatly arranged, being organized is the key. Let’s see how to improve your home, shall we?
How to Decorate a Small Apartment On a Budget? All You Need Is a Bit of Imagination and a Few Good Interior Design Ideas
You’ve just moved and finally get to enjoy the benefits of moving (there are plenty of those after long-distance moving), but sadly, you’re a bit short with cash. Your cross-country moving budget is drained, and now you’re worried you won’t have enough money for everything on your new place checklist. How can you solve this problem? Don’t worry – if you can organize an efficient move, nothing can stop you. With our smart tricks, this will be a piece of cake.

How to Decorate a Small Studio Apartment? First, Divide the Place Into an Improvised Bedroom and Living Room
When you live in a studio, space can feel smaller than it actually is because it’s a bit overstuffed. You don’t have a separate bedroom, which makes the studio seem unorganized and not comfortable enough. Luckily, you can do something about that.
One of the essential things to do after moving into a studio is to divide the space into two areas. No, that doesn’t mean you have to build a wall (which you probably can’t even consider as an option if you’re renting a place). There are a few genius tips and tricks you can implement.
Use a Piece of Furniture As a Divider
If you’ve moved furniture with you, all you have to do is choose the piece that would best serve as a divider, and if you’ve donated pieces, you will have an opportunity to find something perfect for this purpose. Our favorite suggestion is a tall shelf, preferably the one that can reach the ceiling – it will give a visual impression of a wall.
If you still haven’t gotten a job in a new city and you can’t go off buying fancy, new shelves, try to use what you have. A basic sofa or a desk can also create a visual impression you’re going for. Add a tall plant or two to enhance the effect – it might not seem enough, but it does more than you think.
Simple Solutions That Don’t Cost a Lot of Money
Unpack after the move and go on the hunt for sort of fake walls. If you don’t want to put a lot of effort into this, you can always go with the most basic room dividers. This is also a way to go if you’re not allowed to make permanent changes in the residence you’re renting. If you are allowed, you can install a glass partition or folding pocket doors. Another idea would be to hang a curtain from the ceiling. You would basically get a baldachin, and no one can say that’s not the coolest thing ever to have in the bedroom.

Choose Your Furniture Wisely if You Want Your Residence to Look Spacious
Anyone who knows a thing about interior design will tell you to pay attention to every single piece of furniture that you place in your tiny living room or studio. Of course, you probably know which colors you want to brighten up your space (maybe some bright ones to help you fight depression after moving), but this is more than the question of what color and pattern your sofa should be. Here are some decorating 101 tips that you should consider when buying stuff for tiny spaces.
What Kind of Furniture Is Good for a Tiny Living Room?
Design experts often recommend skipping safe choices when decorating little spaces. At first thought, it might seem that neutral colors and simple patterns won’t make the room too crowded, but don’t rush to conclusions. Believe it or not, it’s actually better to have a few striking items than to try and blend everything together. Just go with your instinct – no one says you have to be a design master to organize your living area. The most important thing is that the place represents your style and personality. But be careful – don’t buy too large pieces, no matter if they are bold or neutral-colored.
One more brilliant idea you can try is choosing specific types of items – more precisely, we’re suggesting sofas, armchairs, and coffee tables with long, thin legs. Pieces elevated from the floor make spaces seem larger than they actually are. Pro tip – buy items made of acrylic or glass because they will open up the residence. We’re sure it won’t be hard to find a stylish, transparent coffee table, right? It will more likely turn out to be a fun shopping experience.

If You Know How to Decorate Your Walls, You Can Significantly Open Up the Space
There’s an unofficial rule in design that says – when dealing with little places, use every wall you have. That means it’s time to go vertical and think about creative ways to not only decorate your walls but also use them in the best way possible. Trust us, walls can serve as a genius storage area if you only know how to turn them into one. What do we mean by that? Basically, think shelves of all shapes and sizes. Floating shelves can store so much more than books – we assume you have packed books and are now wondering where to keep all of them in your little abode, so here’s your solution.
Other useful things that you can hang above your sofa or in the bedroom (either real or improvised) are wall sconces. These fancy lamps are game-changers – if you lift them off the floor, the place will seem less crowded. You can also arrange a vertical garden and thus free up a significant portion of your floor. Plus, a tiny garden will look lovely and add a bit of charm to your residence. Taking care of it might be what you need to cheer up – who knows, it might help with your adjustment insomnia.

Explore Creative Storage Options, so Your Place Seems Less Cluttered
One of the best answers to the question: how can I make my small apartment less cluttered? is undoubtedly researching creative storage ideas and deciding which ones to apply after moving to a new place. No matter how little your abode is, we’re sure you can organize everything, so it looks lovely – here are a few tips we’ve gathered for you. These have been proven to be quite efficient for decluttering a place without actually getting rid of anything.
- Get yourself a sofa or coffee table with hidden compartments that serve as little storage areas – this way, you can store your belongings and yet have them close by whenever you need them.
- Switching bulky wardrobes for clothing racks can give the impression that your bedroom is bigger than it really is.
- The drawer under the bed can be a lifesaver when you don’t know what to do with all your stuff – it can be used as tiny storage for off-season clothes.
- Plastic home organizers can help you keep your place in order – it will look less cluttered if trinkets aren’t lying around everywhere, trust us. These organizers can work for every type of item – from storing tupperware and makeup to storing Christmas ornaments.
- Bathroom cabinets are essential for tiny places. If you have them, you can be sure that at least you will never have to worry about storing all your hygiene products.

Organize the Kitchen Like a Pro, and Everything Will Fit Perfectly Into Your Tiny Abode
Many of us feel that a significant portion of moving stress goes to the unbearable task of packing plates and other dishes and kitchen appliances. You put plenty of effort into packing pots and pans, for example, and only after the long-distance moving experience (we hope you had quality moving service for that, by the way) do you realize that you don’t even need all that stuff. So, now your tiny kitchen is too cluttered, and you have no idea where to start organizing it. Worry not, we’ve got your back – check out the video below to see some of the best hacks for tackling a tiny kitchen.
Let Your Creativity Guide You and Have Fun Decorating Your Tiny Place
If you feel exhausted after your long-distance move, you might think that decorating a new residence after all the move-related stress you went through could be too much. Will you be even more tired after a few days or weeks playing a designer? No way – the truth is that this is a pretty relaxing activity. Experimenting with colors, patterns, and shapes will be something of a game that will allow you to recharge your batteries after all the stress you’ve endured before the relocation day. Have fun!