August 10, 2021

How to Unpack After Moving Without Making a Mess

We are pretty sure you’ve explored all the tips on how to pack your household for cross-country moving properly, but have you checked how to unpack after moving without making a mess? If you’re looking for a way to keep your house clean and neat after you unbox everything you have, here are the ultimate tips on how to reach this goal and save yourself from unnecessary extra cleaning.

Having a strategy to unbox all the stuff is essential for arranging the space quickly and efficiently

The Only Way to Unpack Stuff Without Making a Mess Is to Pack Everything Properly First

One of the very first things to do after relocating into your new home is to unbox stuff and organize it. However, if you don’t want to make a complete mess and clutter your household before you start to live there, the only solution is to know the content of each box.

Categorizing the stuff and labeling each box properly is definitely the best way to pack and move efficiently, so a useful relocating tip we could share with you is – don’t skip this preparatory step. When packing all the items, always keep in mind that you’ll have to unbox them too. This way, you’ll save not only a lot of time but your nerves too.

Also, failing to label the boxes is one of the greatest relocation mistakes you can make. If your long-distance movers don’t know the content of each box, they could fail to handle it properly, and you could risk some of them getting damaged.

Categorize the stuff and label everything properly

Prepare the Home Before You Move In

When starting a life in a new space, before equipping it, there are a few preparatory steps to take in order to get it ready to live in, so don’t forget to add those tasks to the relocating to another state checklist.

Mandatory Things to Do Before You Start Living in a New Property

The first step is to perform an initial home inspection where you’ll identify all the elements that need to be fixed or renovated and schedule all necessary repairs. Checking if the alarm system is working, installing video surveillance, or performing pest control are just essential details to organize if you want to avoid any stressful and unpleasant situations, so make sure to take care of it all.


Be Creative and Envision Your Next Living Area

Another step is to consult an interior designer to provide you with plenty of creative ideas on how to use the space to the fullest and equip it according to your needs. For example, if you’re relocating with kids, you’ll definitely need to envision how to babyproof the house and incorporate all the protective equipment. Also, consultations with an interior designer are a great opportunity to learn if any of the pieces you already own can be used in your next home, decide on the color scheme, schedule the repainting, and initiate those essential preparations for relocation to the next home.

Spruce Up the Whole Space and Get It Ready to Move In!

The final step is to organize cleaning the apartment before moving in and get the space squeaky-clean and ready for furnishing. This is a mandatory step because you don’t want to lose any time on the day when all of your stuff is delivered in front of the house, waiting to be arranged. If you’re relocating to another state alone, consider hiring a professional cleaning service to get this job done for you. Although this will be another element in your relocation budget that will slightly increase your costs, it is worth it.

Bonus tip: Speaking of budgeting, explore some great apps intended for tracking costs like the Honeydue app, specially designed for couples, or Pocketguard, and always be up-to-date with every dollar spent. If you want to learn more about budgeting, take a look at the video below, and find a couple of useful tips to organize finances!

Make Sure the Internet Has Been Connected

Want to order some food since you don’t have time to cook your meal on the day when you’re entering the house? Or do you want to check the GPS tracker and see if the cross-country movers are close? You can easily do so if the internet connection works, so before you move in, be sure that the internet plan has been activated and ready to use the moment you get to the house because you will definitely need it.

Preparing the space before relocating is of essential importance to avoid any stressful situations

Essential Tips for Unpacking After a Move – Create an Unpacking Zone and Put All the Boxes There First

Once cross-country movers deliver your stuff in front of the house, it means that soon you’ll have the house full of boxes, cluttered hallways, and rooms still not ready for use. All this chaos can make you feel very anxious, so in order to avoid those feelings, creating an unpacking zone is the best solution in this situation.

How to Unpack After a Move? The Best Strategy Is to Start With the Unpacking of Essential Boxes First

Determine which room you’ll be using the least the moment you enter the house and tell the movers to place all the boxes there. If you have a big garage, you can even put the boxes there first and then organize them through rooms. This way, you’ll have all the stuff in one place and be able to organize all the belongings much more easily and quickly. Also, it will help you equip each room according to priority and provide you with more time overall.

Of course, the first thing to unpack is essential boxes. Taking out all necessary kitchen utensils, linens, gadgets, and a change of clothes will be the first step of setting in the place.

Where Do I Start Unpacking After Moving?

Starting from the stuff you use on a daily basis is one of the best unpacking tips to follow. So the first box to unwrap will definitely be the one that contains relocation essentials. Take all the items needed to equip the kitchen, bedrooms, and bathrooms. After you finish with this, you’ll actually be able to start living in your new place. That’s why your relocation to-do list should entail all the things to be done after you move to the next property.

Unboxing your belongings should be done with a strategy in mind

The Best Tips for Unboxing Furniture

Although there won’t be too many furniture pieces when relocating from an apartment to a house, or when you’re about to move out for the first time, you still need to know what to do when relocating furniture. If you use assistance from a long-distance moving company, their team will take care of your furniture from disassembling it and packing to acquiring all the necessary packing materials, loading and unloading from the truck, and providing you with a stress-free move. Let’s see what happens next, once all the furniture is delivered in front of your new house!

Organize and Reassemble All Furniture, Especially the Bulky Pieces

The moment your furniture is unloaded from the truck, if you’re using long-distance moving services, the movers will take all the pieces into your new home, reassemble them, and organize them through rooms. This is especially important to do with all the bulky pieces, which will help you to fill the empty space and begin decorating and arranging all other items. So, let the movers move the piano, sofas, cupboards, and all other bulky stuff that will allow you to start organizing and unboxing.

Furniture pieces should be one of the first things to unload from the truck and move into the house

How to Organize the Unboxing By Priority and What Room to Equip First?

Knowing the order in which to unbox the stuff by priority is the best way to equip your next household and get rid of all the cardboard that clutters it. So here is the order you can follow:

  • Bathroom – providing yourself with a possibility to take a shower after long-distance moving is the first step of getting proper rest, so it is highly recommended to start from this area.
  • Bedrooms – taking out all the pillows, linen, and blankets is also necessary to provide enough comfort after crossing so many miles. This is especially important to do with kids’ bedrooms since they’ll be pretty exhausted after a long trip.
  • Kitchen – being able to prepare some coffee and meals is definitely a thing you should do first, so ensure to be so. Plug the refrigerator in, go to the grocery store to buy some food, and get all the necessary appliances out like the coffee maker, blender, or similar.
  • Living room – having the first family gathering in a home will definitely take place in the living room, so ensure to have some essentials there like a sofa, coffee table, or TV.
Having a plan on what to unpack first is the best way to organize your household

How Long Should It Take to Unpack After Moving?

One of the most frequently asked questions when relocating to a new state is how do I unpack fast after moving? The time you need to unbox all the items and organize them in your household depends on the size of your home and the number of items you have to unbox. Another factor that will directly affect the time needed for unpacking is how much you’re motivated to finish this task and how exhausted you are. Depending on all these factors combined, you will need one to two weeks until all the boxes are empty. Setting a deadline is a very effective technique to motivate yourself to do it more quickly, so setting a final date could definitely help.

Of course, if you use professional cross-country moving services, especially those related to packing services, both the packing and unpacking of your belongings will be considerably faster since they do it strategically from the beginning to the end.

The time needed for unboxing and organizing household items depends on the size of the house and the number of things you own

Ready to Settle in and Finally Finish the Relocation Process?

No matter how different all the reasons to move are, the final aim of finishing with the whole process as quickly as possible is the same for all. Relocations are complex to organize, but when you apply the right strategy that will allow you to track the progress of tasks and with a relocation expenses checklist, you will reduce the relocation stress to the minimum.

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