July 26, 2021

How to Pack Kitchen Items for Moving Across the Country

Relocating your entire household is a challenging and time-consuming process that needs organization and plan. Knowing how to pack kitchen items for moving is an essential step. Not only do we spend around 12% of our time in it, but you also don’t want to end up with broken and damaged stuff once you settle in your new home.

Knowing how to prepare your cooking room for a relocation is essential

Once you decided where to move, you should start planning the whole relocation process. No matter the reasons for your move, whether you’re relocating for love or you got an excellent job opportunity in a new city, the key to every good relocating experience is organization and starting a few months ahead. If you’re wondering how do you pack a kitchen for moving, you probably think it’s something you can’t do independently, but with our article and some amazing tips, you will do it like a pro.

How to Pack Kitchen Items for Moving – Learn Essential Steps and Move Like a Pro

Whether using cross-country moving services with all the benefits of packing service and relocation insurance for your belongings or deciding to DIY, you need to prepare for the whole process. The best way is to make a relocation checklist with all tasks you have to do. This will keep you updated, and you’ll have a timeline for each task. That way, when the relocation day comes, you won’t have to worry about any of the things people usually forget when they move.

When it comes to wrapping and storing your cookroom, time and organization are essential steps. If you’ve been living in the same place for years, then you probably gathered more stuff than you actually need. Because of that, you can leave this room to be the last one to wrap up, but certainly not the last one to think about.


How to Pack My Kitchen Items for Moving – First Clean All Small and Big Appliances and Other Stuff

If it’s your first time to move out and you’re learning the relocation mistakes to avoid, one of the most common ones is undoubtedly not cleaning everything before the relocation day. That’s why you should put this task on your relocation to-do list and ensure to clean your new place before you move in. So, once you plan to clean your future apartment, you surely don’t want to unpack your dirty dishes and other kitchenware and deal with it after the exhausting relocation process.

Take some of your free time to clean and dry dishes and bigger things before starting the wrapping up process. That is one of the crucial steps if you want to experience an efficient move.

When Should I Pack My Kitchen When Moving – First Decluttering, Then Packing

Once you have everything cleaned and shiny, you should move to the next step – deciding what you really need or want in your new home. Decluttering can also help you if you’re looking for the cheapest way to move out after creating a relocation budget and finding that you have to cut some expenses. If you decide to move with professional long-distance movers, you need to know that the less stuff you have, the less you’ll pay.

Decluttering your cookroom will save you time and money

What Professional Cross-Country Movers Won’t Move? Get Rid Of Perishable Food

When relocating from an apartment to a house, you probably think there’s enough room for everything. However, consider some things professional movers won’t move and get rid of them. The first thing you need to avoid relocating are hazardous materials that can make a big mess, and the professional relocation crew won’t load them in their truck.

When it comes to food, it’s not nearly as dangerous as the materials mentioned above, but it can cause damage and mess, too. That’s why you should empty all of your fridges and freezer if you plan on relocating the refrigerator to a future place. Perishable food can leave a nasty smell if rotten, and that’s why this kind of appliance should be empty and cleaned inside. In the video below, you can check advice on how to clean your fridge like a pro.

Make Sure You Have All the Necessary Supplies and Materials for the Packing Process

Another task you have to do before packing kitchenware is getting the materials and supplies you’ll need for this job. The key is to get as many supplies as you can and not interrupt the boxing-up process once you start with it. So, here are some of the materials that will keep your appliances and other items from damaging and breaking:

  • Packing paper – use the wrapping paper to protect your fragile kitchenware and smaller appliances.
  • Bubble wrap – extra protection you can put after the paper can come quite handy.
  • Boxes – make sure you get different-sized boxes.
  • Tape – strengthen each box with the tape.
  • Markers – write on each box what items are inside. Once you start unpacking, you won’t have to waste time on finding, for example, a mixer or any other item.

On the other hand, when you create your relocation expenses checklist, you can explore some other options if you realize you have to find a cheaper way to protect your belongings. For example, you can use every soft material you find at home. Professional packing supplies can be quite expensive, but you can find substitutes for paper and bubble wrap:

  • Sheets,
  • Pillowcases,
  • Socks,
  • Clothes.

You can check online on Craigslist if you’re wondering where to get free boxes and materials that come in handy when protecting your kitchenware, but also other stuff from your household.

Choose the Right Size for Boxes

One of the relocation hacks you should use is to pick the right sized box and make sure everything you wrap does not break in the transportation. The first thing you should do is roughly estimate how many boxes you’ll need. It all depends on how large your cookroom is, but the more boxes you get, the fewer worries you’ll have. Count on needing around 10 to 15 boxes for one medium-sized cookroom.

Get as many supplies as you can

Best Tips for Safely Wrapping and Protecting Appliances

When you gathered all the supplies and cleaned everything you want to wrap and bring to your new home, you should take some steps before the professional long-distance movers come. If you opt to transport bigger things, like washing machine, dryer, and similar stuff, turn off the water and gas and detach the water hose.

Then comes the wrapping up process. You should put each appliance into the original box if possible. But, since in most cases it’s not, you should find the right box for each item and ensure there is no space left inside the box. You can put some soft padding or just fill the space with paper or bubble wrap. That way you can be sure the things won’t move during transport.

Each appliance you want to bring should be carefully protected and packed

How Do You Pack Fragile Items for a Moving – Kitchen Edition

Wrapping up fragile stuff from your cookroom takes a bit more time and effort because you have to pay attention and not let them break in the truck with all of the other things you prepared to move. One of the best packing tips when it comes to wrapping up glasses is to use some soft material and add another layer of protection, just to be sure. In the end, tape it. Another thing to remember is not overloading the box and putting heavy things first and breakables on the top.

Fragiles must get all possible protection

Dedicate Extra Attention to Dishes

We all want stress-free relocation, and if you think it’s not that hard to achieve one, you’re not entirely wrong. You just have to organize and know what your next moves will be. That’s why you should make that extra effort and wrap the dishes that you use. Those you’re unsure about, you can give away or sell or even leave them in the storage facility a long-distance relocation company offers you.

After you did the decluttering part, comes the time to protect plates and bowls. Don’t forget about packing pots and pans, too, and other stuff you decided it’s worth relocating. Ensure everything is well wrapped and protected with materials you got earlier.

How Do You Pack Dishes for Moving Without Paper?

To make it safe and have your dishes transported securely when relocating across the country, use your clothes. After you learn how to store clothes for the move, take some clothing pieces to protect all kinds of dishes. The key is to protect each item individually and then fold them separately into cardboard cartons.

You don't have to spend your fortune on supplies - use materials you find at your place

How to Best Protect Knives and Forks When Using Long-Distance Moving Services

If you have enough space in the truck, you can just take out the whole drawer and protect it well before the movers come. If you prefer to save some free space, you should take out your cutlery and divide them into categories. That way, you can separate knives and forks and wrap them with some more rigid materials, like towels, and ensure no one gets hurt during the move.

By protecting the cutlery, you're protecting yourself and your helpers

Additional Tips on How to Pack Kitchen Stuff for Moving

The whole wrapping up process can be overwhelming for some of us, so knowing some hacks to make it faster might help. The first thing to remember is to check your storage place first. In the whole relocation chaos, it’s pretty easy to completely forget about it and leave some beautiful services you got from your grandmother. The same goes for cabinets and similar furniture with a drawer and storage place.

If you’re wondering how to pack plastic kitchen items for moving and whether you need to know some special techniques to do it efficiently, the answer is no. You should still protect it with wrapping supplies or with fluffy materials and store them in boxes.

Make sure everything is protected and stored safely

Leave Your Room for Preparing Food Operational and Make an Essential Box Before the Relocation Day

Cookroom and dining room are places we often spend much of our time in the house, and when relocating across the country, you should leave at least the cookroom operational. It’s important because you’ll probably still have to prepare meals, especially if relocating with kids. However, when the relocation day comes, it’s better to have prepared the essential box with cutlery, plates, and glasses for each family member.

Leave your cookroom for wrapping up last

Professional Long-Distance Moving Company Will Make the Whole Process a Breeze

With all the tasks you have to think about and organize the whole process, at some point, you could feel you can’t do it on your own. The essential thing for you is to know it’s completely normal to feel that way, and that’s why hiring a trustworthy long-distance relocation company should be the solution to consider. That will give some peaceful moments when you can think about other things, like whether transporting a car is a good idea, or just relaxing and imagining the new chapter in your life.

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