July 14, 2021

How to Deal With Anxiety About Moving Out – Best Tips for Introverts and Those Who Feel Like It

Every change in life is a challenging process, especially if you’re relocating to entirely unfamiliar surroundings. That’s why it’s crucial to recognize the anxiety about moving out and learn how to deal with it, and ask for help if necessary. If you take into consideration that relocation is one of the three most stressful situations in people’s lives, it’s clear why it’s important to talk about it.

Feeling anxious about the relocation is OK

No matter what the reasons are for your move, whether you’re relocating for love or you’re seeking better job opportunities, leaving your old home can cause many mental and physical issues. The sooner you realize something is going on, the better you can handle the stress and get help. Using cross-country moving services means you’ll have to do fewer things if you wish to have a successful relocation. If you’re wondering, “how do I cope with anxiety moving out,” one of the answers would be organization. Having everything under control and knowing your next steps will calm you down.


Is It Normal to Be Nervous About Moving Out

People get attached to many things and especially to our homes. That shouldn’t surprise you because an average American spends around 13 years in one house. If you never moved before, you probably ask yourself, “how do I cope with moving out for the first time?” The essential thing for you is to know that it’s completely normal to feel nervous.

Anxiety about moving out of your parents’ house is undoubtedly common if you’re looking for a job after college. However, almost half of young college students are considering living with their parents, so if you’re wondering whether to move back home or not, you should make your decision with help from your family and friends or professionals.

3 Reasons Why Introverts and Extroverts Feel Stressed When Relocating

During the cross-country relocation process, your emotions are mixed, and in one moment, you’re happy and excited about the change, and in the next, you feel like giving up on the whole process. In those situations, you should think about why you’re relocating and what your goal is. However, among all the relocation hacks you get, you might still get stressed because you’re stepping out of your comfort zone. Let’s go over some of the most common reasons that could evoke relocation stress:

  • Relocation budget – figuring out your finances and how much money you should spend on all the services, from storage facilities to deciding whether to transport your car. Let’s face it, the relocation process is expensive, and it can significantly affect your financial stability.
  • Planning the long-distance move – there will be a lot of communication with different companies and thinking about all the things (little and big ones.)
  • Time lost – every little task takes away your free moments. It can get quite hard if you have to take some days off just to pack your glasses.
  • Preparing children and pets – life with kids and pets can be challenging when you’re planning to relocate. You need to prepare them and present them with this enormous change that is about to happen.
A ton of things on your mind during relocation is bound to cause stress and anxiety

Simple Tips on Battling Fear and Anxiety About Moving Out

Being able to deal with anxious feelings and knowing how to handle them is essential for your health. Leaving your old life and relocating away from your friends is something you should talk about so you could take the best from this whole relocation experience. So, it’s good to know that being a bit stressed about it could boost you to do some tasks faster, but you need to make sure that feeling doesn’t become a nightmare.

So, when you have vibes that it’s becoming too overwhelming, take one step back and rest. Forcing something will do no good to anyone, just the contrary. This is a great situation when you need support from your loved ones, and it’s important to feel free to call them and ask for help.

Keep Your Old Place in Memory

Many of us can struggle with new surroundings and completely different lifestyles. It’s because we get so overwhelmed with negative feelings that we can’t see all the opportunities this adventure can bring. The best way is to think about the positive sides of the relocation and leave your old home in memory. This doesn’t mean you need to cut all the connections with your family and friends, precisely the opposite. At least nowadays, long-distance friendships are possible with all technology and video calls there are.

Don’t Change Your Daily Routines and Prevent Further Fears and Concerns

Preparing for the move and thinking about many things at once, from looking for the cheapest way to move out to making a to-do list, can interrupt your daily routines. To avoid further fears and discomfort, keep some of the routines to make you feel good and pick the best time of year to move. This is also important if you’re relocating with kids. A new place will be more stressful for them so you should talk to them and explain why this change is important and what they will get from it. A similar thing stands if you’re relocating with pets. Bring some of their favorite snacks and toys because they need to feel safe, too.

Your routines will keep you active and help you beat further fears

Take Some Moments to Learn How to Recognize the Symptoms

Taking some time to recognize the symptoms of stress when relocating to a new home is essential because that’s the only way you can deal with them properly. Like every change in life, bad or good, it will affect your routines and mood. That’s why you should know what the symptoms of being anxious are and how to overcome them. If you think about it, even preparing your home for sale can be a traumatic experience since you’ve become so attached to it.

A stress-free move should be an objective for everyone. However, if you see that something in your behavior isn’t as it used to be (for example, your heart’s beating too fast, or you can’t relax,) you have the first signs you’re feeling anxious. This is the right time to take a break from planning your relocation to a new place.

Symptoms Can Vary Depending on People’s Personality and the Way of Life

If you wonder what the symptoms are and are they all the same for everyone, you should know that it varies depends on your personality and lifestyle. However, one thing is certain – the list of things you have to do for your new home will make everyone anxious and nervous. Still, depending on how people react to stressful situations will mostly depend on how they will deal with this challenging process. From creating the relocation checklist to figuring out how to organize important documents, it can get quite chaotic no matter if you’re cool or not.

Everyone is different, and symptoms can vary

Take Care Of Your Health and Embrace Some Changes in Your Life

You probably heard it before, but staying away from alcohol, caffeine, and cigarettes will help you feel much better and will reduce stress in general, not only relocation-related one. No matter if you’re relocating to a new state alone or not, staying healthy and fit is essential, along with the tasks you’re left with.

Make a room in your relocation-to-a-new-state checklist for your weekly exercise routine and avoid crowds. Use all of your free moments to do something you like, and don’t let the new circumstances get you down. You’ll see how the workout and healthy diet will do you good mentally and physically. If you’re relocating during winter, don’t let the weather stop you because we all know how easily this kind of routine can be broken.

Embrace the change and get used to a new lifestyle

Organizing Your Move Is the Best Defense From Severe Anxiety About Moving Out for the First Time

Being well organized in everyday activities does magical things – just imagine what would happen with all those tasks you have to do for this relocation process. You can create a checklist of all tasks and use it as a timeline. That way, you will be updated on every next move, and all the tension will be gone. However, no one said it’s going to be easy – start planning at least eight weeks ahead because finding professional cross-country movers that will give you a helping hand and avoid relocation scams is something you can’t do in just one day.

Decluttering Will Calm You Down and Assist With the Organization

Decluttering will not only lower your tension and worries, but it will also be beneficial to your relocation expenses list. Why would you even think about packing pots and pans if you don’t use them, for example? That’s why you should declutter one room at a time and pack right away only what you really use. The stuff you won’t pack, you can donate online on Goodwill. Packing up, as tedious as it can be, on some level will calm you down and distract your thoughts.

If you want to fast up the decluttering process, watch the video below for some awesome tips and tricks.

Support Is Essential – Call Your Family and Friends

Every relocation is different, but they have something in common – it’s challenging. Having a helping hand, especially if you’re feeling overwhelmed, is essential. That’s why you should call your family and friends because you should get as much support as you can in this stressful situation. Talk to them about your fears and get over the positive sides of your relocation and what this adventure will bring you. You can even throw a farewell party and say goodbye to them all at once and not reliving the sad moments all over again.

How Do I Mentally Prepare to Move Out – Ask for Professional Help

If you decided to have a fresh start and have a new chapter in your life, it could get quite confusing since you’re used to one way of living. You should think the whole process through, but don’t overthink it. However, if some signs alarm you or your loved ones, you should get medical treatment from a professional.

Mental preparation is essential, and getting a helping hand is a must

Professional Long-Distance Moving Company Can Make Your Relocation to a New Home a Breeze

With all tasks you have to think about and get them done, at some point, you could start considering giving up. You should think twice and ask for a helping hand from professional long-distance movers with all the services needed to have a successful relocation – from relocation insurance to even disassembling your furniture and bigger appliances. If you feel like you can’t do it on your own, remember it’s OK to be assisted, especially in this stressful process.

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