An average person moves 11 times during their life, but having an infant on board is a whole different story than your regular relocation adventure. Moving with a newborn can be stressful and tiring, but you can successfully come out of the process with the right preparation and expectations. Read on to see what can lead you to smooth sailing.

When you become a parent, your entire world gets turned upside down. You’re no longer able to make decisions on the spur of the moment, and with the little one in the picture, you can no longer be spontaneous and unbound. Kids benefit most from safety, so taking your time to make sure your relocation process won’t be stressful for your kid is paramount.
Plan as Much as You Can
As with all big tasks, this one will be carried through with more ease and fewer glitches if you have some kind of plan. Planning is half the job done when it comes to learning how to move efficiently, and if you have a kid with you, the importance of strategy only increases.
An excellent way to approach this is to create a moving to-do list and insert tasks associated with each stage of your relocation process. You can put on paper what you plan to do before the big day, on that day, and afterward. This way, you’re bound to have it all laid out in a manner enabling you to track your progress.

Take Your Time to Prepare for Moving With a Baby
If your cross-country moving isn’t last-minute, which is not a great idea with the little one, you should set aside as much time as you can for preparation. Doing a portion of the work before the big day will make you much better equipped for challenges to come, and it will significantly lower your stress levels. With all dilemmas weighing heavily on your mind, such as how to get a job in another state before relocating there or how to child-proof your home, the last thing you want is to come unprepared. Here are some ideas of what you should do while you’re still in the old place.
A Visit to the Doctor’s Office Is a Must
In the chaos of implementing moving hacks and assembling documents and things you need to rent an apartment, with the crying baby in the background, it might slip your mind to visit a pediatrician. However, this is crucial because a specialist can let you in on expert tips on child keeping in situations such as this one. Your child needs a health check-up and the approval from a doctor to travel, and this might easily be the only thing on this entire list you should by no means forget.
Hire Babysitters in the New Place
If you intend to commit to your career and mastering the question of how to get a job in a new city is on your mind, or you simply need time to engross in some other duties such as house decoration, you will need help. Family is amazing, yet if you’re moving away from friends and loved ones, chances are you won’t be able to count on their assistance.
Finding a babysitter might take a while, especially since every parent wants the best there is for their kid. Starting the hunt on time will help you get recommendations from other mums and dads, check out people’s profiles, perhaps even call and agree on specific slots, so there’s no reason to tarry.
Plan Your Journey in Detail
If you’re booking long-distance moving services of reputable movers, which is the best way to go about this process, that means that they’ll take care of your belongings, and it’s up to you to choose how your family will travel to the new destination. Still, whatever you opt for, an elaborate organization should be involved because infants need stability and security in scenarios such as this one.
The transportation method will largely determine your tasks, so if you find the cheapest way to ship a car and travel by plane, ensure you check all airline policies. Also, pay attention to how much carry-on you can have and how they deal with strollers. On the other hand, if you own multiple cars and use car-shipping services only for some, plan out each break for feeding and freshening up on your car trip.

Pack for Your Infant
When the details have been settled, you can go on to a task that daunts parents the most, and that is packing for a little kid. On top of learning how to pack fragile items and finish moving furniture, the baby’s belongings seem overwhelming. Yet, if you apply some tested strategies and do a little chunk each day, you can thrive and close your boxes without losing sanity.
New Moms Should Use the Sleeping Times of Their Babies for All Packing and Moving-Related Activities
The first thing to know is that you won’t be able to keep up the pace you’re used to and that the energy and swiftness you remember from your single life are a thing of the past. With the little one around, you’re almost always needed, and you must cater to all of your baby’s needs. That means doing large portions of work from your moving to another state checklist might not be realistic. However, using the time while your kid is having a nap might work wonders, and you should count on this as the time of your productivity.
An Essentials Bag Is a Must
If you want to prevent your kid from becoming cranky, irritable, and downright dissatisfied, you should take all they might need throughout the trip as well as in the first few days with you. You won’t be able to complete everything from your things to-do after moving list on the spot, but maintaining a routine can make a world of difference.
And to be able to do so, essentials are mandatory. You know your kid best, so don’t let their favorite toys, food, and clothes wind up on the list of most commonly forgotten things to pack. The more you think this through, the more you’ll be able to respond to your infant’s requests.
Use Categories for Different Items
You most probably have a plethora of baby stuff, from toys and clothes to dishes, and alike. But approaching this variety without a tactic sets you up for failure and unnecessary moving stress. The best thing to do would be to separate the items your kid uses, and those they don’t and afterward create piles of get rid of, donate, and keep. If all items are in use, try to put aside those out of season and help yourself this way.

Make Sure Your Newborn Feels Safe When the Movers Come
When long-distance movers arrive, you’ll probably feel not only drained but also apprehensive of what’s to come. However, feeling down won’t do good for your kid as babies tend to sense when their parents are under pressure, and they can take in the negative emotions, which you want to avoid. So, try to keep it all under control as much as possible, and if you need additional help from your long-distance moving company, go for professional packing services or even storage services for a portion of your belongings. You’ll be able to focus on your kid more, and adding relocation insurance to it all can pacify you to an even greater extent.

The New Space Should Be Adapted for the Baby
Congratulations, you’ve survived moving with an infant, and the only thing left now is to create life in the new home. Making absolutely sure you’re working on a space your little one could benefit from living in is paramount here, and you’ll do yourself a world of good if you think of things you need for your first apartment in the new place.
In case you’re living in temporary accommodation while learning house-hunting tips to get you to your new house, don’t despair. Taking the most significant safety precautions can still get you a long way while you wait.
Childproof the New Home As Much as Possible
Most people feel spaced out and forget about this one, but you should do it from the very beginning to not fret about any unforeseen circumstances. Childproofing should be done in phases, yet the basic steps need to be taken the moment you put packing materials aside. To enforce a system that will work, you need to think of the following:
- All sharp edges need to be covered,
- Furniture needs to be anchored to the walls so your kid can’t fall over,
- Keep medicine and chemicals needed for cleaning out of reach,
- Use safety gates for all staircases,
- Cover any electrical outlet with covers or a safety cap.
Create a Room Your Kid Will Like
Regardless of your relocation budget, setting up a space to suit your little one’s preferences will be a move in the right direction. Taking photos of the old room and trying to repeat and recreate the layout and the atmosphere can be helpful because kids tend to feel less anxiety and more stability when they enter a space they already ‘know’ from before.

Give Yourself Time to Get Used to the New Situation
After you’ve learned the answer to the question how do you survive the first week with a newborn, and after you’ve shifted places, you’re likely to be exhausted. And that’s completely fine as long as you don’t forget to insert some me time and cut yourself some slack. Don’t freak out if the question “should I move back home” passes through your head. You’re only human, and not every day is a walk in the park. Try to find some activities that relax you, and bear in mind that the stressful period won’t last forever and that you can ask for help anytime.
Every Family Has Their Timing
People become weary as all problems swamp them at once, and there are so many questions to be tackled. Regardless of your reasons to move, you might find yourself wondering how long should you wait to leave the house with a newborn or how soon can you move after having a baby on top of all finances, administration, packing, and the whole jazz. However, taking it one step at a time and prioritizing and being confident in your parenting skills is the sure recipe here, as there’s no universal answer to any of these.

After All, Remember to Take It Easy After Moving With a Newborn
When you wave bye to reputable cross-country movers and finally resolve the doubt, and the question is it safe to move with a newborn, you’ll be left with ordinary life in all its glory. Sometimes it will be too much to handle, and sometimes it’ll surprise you and give you the energy to be an even better version of yourself. Still, taking a breath and being calm is the best tip that can spare you from many worries. Following your instincts and educating yourself will get you through all parenting adventures, and this one comes as no exception.