December 1, 2021

3 Unique Moving Announcements to Share the Good News

If you have trouble thinking of unique moving announcements but want to make this moment special and memorable for you and your loved ones, you’ve come to the right place. Our interesting suggestions and ideas might be just what you need. We’ll try to inspire you with some creative options, but only you can decide what is most relatable to your situation and preferences.

Once you decide that you're relocating, you have to decide how to notify and how to do this

How Do You Announce That You Are Moving?

Congratulations on your big news! This is a huge turning step in everyone’s life, and you should be proud of taking it. No matter if you’re relocating for love or you finally got a job in another state, this must be very important to you. Sometimes people feel overwhelmed with many different emotions about the upcoming change and can’t find the right words to announce what’s happening.

One of the reasons for this is that we have to say goodbye to our friends and family members, as well as other people we love, and commit to a long-distance friendship or a relationship. All of that isn’t easy, especially if you’re relocating to another state alone, and you probably won’t get a chance to see them that often, so you have to find a good way to announce this news. Also, you don’t want to wait for the very last moment to do it, people might feel disappointed or left out, so this is why it is important that you think through every step carefully and patiently.


Should I Send Moving Announcements?

Guessing you’re occupied with organizing your move and taking care of many responsibilities you need to handle to move efficiently, you probably won’t get a chance to notify everyone about your move in person. Especially if you have a last-minute move or you’re relocating for the first time, so are overwhelmed with all the tasks from your to-do list. This is why you need to think of other ways to inform your colleagues, friends, and fam members about the upcoming change. The most convenient way to do this is to send creative moving announcements.

We’re sure your friends will be happy for you and won’t get upset if you don’t have the time to meet them in person. If they have any additional questions, they can always give you a call or visit you and ask all the things they are curious about. Remember, you probably won’t be able to give them every detail in your announcement – for now, it is important that they know you are relocating, when, and where. About all other details, you can inform them later on. They can always come to visit you in your new home and check out how you are getting around.

When Is the Right Time to Announce You’re Relocating to a New Home?

First of all, you should be 100% certain about your decision before announcing any news. In case you’re thinking about it because of a good job offer or want to start living together with your significant other, think through this very carefully before making noises. You don’t want to play with anyone’s emotions like this – remember that some people might be very happy about your move while someone has trouble accepting that their best friend is leaving. Obviously, if you’re certain about your decision, you should tell them as soon as you decide and find the way to turn your wish into reality.

Sometimes people want to relocate, but the current situation won’t allow them. As soon as you handle all of your responsibilities and make plans for this event, you should start notifying people. If this happens months in advance, even better – you’ll all have enough time to accept this fact and figure out how to stay in touch once you leave. One of the biggest mistakes you can make is sending cards after you leave because someone can end up feeling hurt or disappointed.

#1 Announcing a Move by Sending Creative Cards Is Always a Good Idea

This might not be a groundbreaking idea, but card designers are getting more and more creative, and you should definitely check some of their options. Apart from making special cards for every possible life situation, they obviously make suitable versions for announcing a move. You can look for these kinds of cards online and see if any suggestions catch your eye.

If You Are Crafty, You Can Experiment and Make DIY Cards

Professionally designed cards might even inspire you to make custom moving announcements and design a card of your own. Yes, you can include a photo of your fam or your pet – whatever you like, with additional text and applications on the paper. Just let your style and creativity flow and make something interesting and memorable. Check out this card-making video tutorial to get some ideas.

#2 How Do You Announce You’re Moving on Social Media? You Can Make a Funny Video With Your Loved Ones and Share It

You might be good at making memes and sharing them with your loved ones, but why not use this opportunity to upgrade your creativity and make something even more fun – a video! Yes, you can use a lot of special effects, photos, and much more. Your whole fam will have fun making it, and you’ll also enjoy editing it. If you never get to try making this kind of content, you’ll probably have fun experimenting. If you have someone that can show you how to edit videos, you can rely on their help – you’ll both have fun during the editing process, plus you’ll get to see them once more before you move.

You Can Make a Different Announcement for Each Social Media Platform – It’s Very Fun and Simple

If you’re all over social media, why not use this as an advance. You probably don’t have the same friends on each app. On different platforms, you share different kinds of content, so you should adapt your news according to the target audience – as a real social media manager. For example, if you have a lot of elderly family members on Facebook, you can use this platform to inform them about the upcoming move, but you need to adapt the kind of content you’re sharing to their age.

If you make a meme-themed video,  they’ll hardly understand the hidden jokes and the real meaning of your video. Go with something simple yet sweet and entertaining, and we’re sure they will love it. Snapchat is all about the filters, so you can probably take advantage of them when filming a video message on this platform. For Instagram, popular reels and transitions are something you don’t want to skip. When it comes to TikTok – options are limitless, so we’re sure you’ll have fun while filming.

You should get creative with social media content and maybe even ask your buddies to help you make a fun video

#3 Organize a Going Away Party and Invite Your Loved Ones – This Is a Perfect Opportunity to Announce Big News

A going away party is an amazing opportunity to gather all your loved ones in one room and share the big news. You don’t have to tell them what the party is all about, just ensure they all come because you’ll have something important to tell. This is one of the best ways to announce your move because you’ll get a chance to see everyone in person, and you’ll probably notice their interesting reactions.

If someone gets emotional, it’s good that they’ll still have you around, so you can ensure they accept your news in the best way possible. Obviously, you should spice it up with some good music, food, and drinks, or maybe even experiment with some creative ideas like packing or wrapping competitions. Your friends will have fun, and wrap a few things you’d have to pack anyway so it is a win-win situation.

Themed Parties Are Always a Good Idea – This Way They Will Be Even More Memorable

If you want to make this event memorable, you should definitely throw a themed gathering. These can be a costume gathering where everyone dresses as they want, but you can also set a theme such as:

  • Hollywood glam-red carpet,
  • 90’s retro,
  • Black and white dress code,
  • Harry Potter magic,
  • Arabian night.

Feel free to come up with some unique ideas of your own as well. For example, if all of your guests love Marvel movies, you can all dress as your favorite superheroes. All that is important is to make it fun for yourself and your loved ones. Don’t push them into something that’s not really their vibe. Also, make sure to buy something for everyone’s taste – for example, if you know that one of your guests is vegetarian, ensure you have some food to offer them as well. Don’t forget a photo booth to take some memorable pics from the last party in your old home.

Don’t Forget to Decorate

Sure, interesting masks, delicious food, and drinks will make everything better, but imagine the reactions if you go even further and add some fun decorations. For example, if you have a color-themed party, ensure all the food, drinks, and balloons are in that color as well. If you’re going for a Hollywood theme, you can shop for some glamorous martini glasses to spice things up.

Another tip: organize your move-out cleaning after the gathering because you’ll probably make some mess with confetti and other decorations. This video might be helpful if you have trouble thinking of some easy DIY decorations, so ensure you save it for later and use some of the best tips that will help you impress all of your guests.

You Should Announce Your Relocation to Authorities as Well

Apart from notifying your friends and family members about the relocation, someone else must be informed, and this time, without a funny card. You don’t want to move to another city only to find out that your mail won’t get there, or you keep getting mail from previous residents. This is why you have to organize all the important documents first and change your address in advance. How do you announce a new home purchase to authorities?

This is very simple to do, and you have a few options, so you can choose depending on your preferences. For starters, you should go to the local Post Office to change your address, but you can also do this online or by calling them. Ensure you do this at least a week before your move. Otherwise, you risk that some mail gets lost in the process. Some of the important authorities you need to notify about the upcoming move are:

  • Tax agencies,
  • Your employer,
  • Health insurance and other insurance providers,
  • Social security administration,
  • Utilities for gas, electricity, phone, internet and so on,
  • Bank and credit card company,
  • Loan providers,
  • Subscription services,
  • Online shopping websites,
  • Clubs and organizations,
  • Different service providers.

Obviously, these should be official notifications. If you’re planning to make something funny and playful for your buddies and family, ensure that authorities don’t get one of those cards.

Apart from notifying your friends and fam, don't forget to inform the authorities as well - this can save you from a lot of trouble

Now That You Got Unique Moving Announcements Ideas, the Only Thing Left Is to Plan Your Move

We’re sure your loved ones won’t be disappointed when it comes to your creativity. Once you have everything settled, the only thing left is to plan your move. You can find many amazing relocation hacks that will help you get through the relocation process easily. Another great thing you can do and save yourself from unnecessary relocation stress is hiring professional cross-country movers. With their incredible long-distance relocation services, you’ll transfer all of your belongings to the new address in no time. Just ensure to plan everything carefully the same way as you throw your relocation announcement, and there is nothing to worry about – your future is waiting.

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