When you plan to move, you need to keep people around you and certain organizations in the loop. Still, are you completely in the clear regarding who to notify when moving? First of all, you would have to let your employer know about the relocation on time. But there are other firms and suppliers you must reach out to and inform them about the switch you are about to make.

So, while you prepare for the changes that lie ahead, you must be dedicated to researching and contacting reliable cross-country movers. Also, you must wrap your mind around the housing and job market in your chosen area. Compare the costs and choose carefully. And lastly, there is a list of providers and corporations you must announce your move to. Let’s get into more details and see who to notify of the address change.
Who Should You Notify When You Move?
Most of the ultimate relocation hacks are the simplest ones. And the first step you should take is to get organized. A proven way to achieve it is to create various lists. Your long-distance moving to-do list must be extensive. In addition to the relocation expenses checklist, creating this agenda and sticking to it is paramount.
Since some of the things you forget when you move include neglecting some old bills and skipping the steps with your utility providers, be sure to write these chores down and underline them. That way, you’ll be sure not to miss them. So, who to notify of a change of address:
- Start by contacting your post office,
- Contact the IRS and other tax agencies,
- Take care of social security administration,
- Give a call to the gas and electricity suppliers,
- Don’t forget about your phone, internet, and cable,
- Reach out to insurance providers,
- Update your information at your bank or credit card company,
- Have a word with your employer, and don’t postpone the talk about relocating away from friends, neighbors, and relatives.
Lastly, if you belong to any organizations, clubs, or charities, keep them updated as well. And don’t leave out the updates you should make in the online retail stores or possible subscriptions that should get canceled.
When Should You Change Your Address When Moving?
Those who are about to move out for the first time most likely have countless questions, including the ones regarding the ideal moment and the best way to notify change of address. Picking the perfect timing can be individualized. It is usually recommended to switch your postal code and home information two weeks before you relocate. However, some choose to get on with it right after the move. You can fulfill this responsibility online, on-site, via mail, or by phone.
Before you do any of it, you must understand these things fully:
- Knowing all facts regarding your new location that will be required,
- Being sure whether the update is permanent or temporary,
- Stating whether you’re relocating alone or with family and who exactly is affected by the changes.
If you choose to get ready in advance and go on with changes two weeks ahead, don’t get carried away by all the fuss, commotion, and mess that can inhabit your house. Be sure not to lose any of the important documents, forms, and confirmations. Keep your household and paperwork as tidy as possible to avoid tensions and have a stress-free move.

Change of Address – Who to Notify? Start With the Post Office
If you were in a situation when you didn’t know how to stop getting mail from previous residents, you know how regular updates actually matter a lot. And indeed, this is not even one of the main reasons to take care of the changes.
You should start with the post office, since announcing your change of home to them will get all mail addressed to your former house delivered to your new place for 12 months. The great thing about it is that you can quickly get your info updated online. The only thing you must do is set it for a particular start date. Our advice is to do this a week prior to the relocation day at the latest. If you do it later, there could be a pause between the day of the move and the date when your mail forwarding starts.
What is the Best Way to Notify the Address Change When Moving with Family?
If the list of your reasons to move includes raising your kids elsewhere, you will have to look into some rules that apply when dealing with paperwork. If you are relocating with your family, you will be required to fill out a separate form for each family member with a different surname. This rule will also apply if some members move to a different location while the remaining stay behind.
Filling these forms isn’t exactly what you’d call entertaining. However, the USPS forwards only mail that matches the recipient’s name in the application form. If the whole family moves (and under the same surname), a single signed request will suffice.
Pro tip: If you’re about to move with a small child (or children), promote your relocation process by hiring a specialized team that offers auto transport services. Finding a cheap way to ship your car will ease your life and your move. You will avoid driving the whole route and keeping your kids entertained in the process.

Contact the IRS and Be Sure to Pay All Bills and Taxes
Regardless of whether you are relocating to a small town or a large metropolis, there are steps you are bound to take and bills and debts you must pay. So, to start your relocation rightly, you must get in touch with the federal revenue agency and your state tax agency. Both should be notified when your home’s location is changed. The IRS offers an uncomplicated online form where you can inform them of your current address’s alterations. When notifying the state tax agency, all users should go to a specific state’s government website and seek instructions. Most states enable their residents to handle this procedure online as well.
Ensure all of your valuable paperwork and receipts by creating a binder. Here is a useful video for those who are interested in DIY folders for important documents:
Bank and Credit Card Companies
In addition to learning about how much do movers cost, there are other important financial aspects to take into account. When thinking of who to notify when you move, banks and credit card companies must be on your checklist.
So make sure to give them a call or check if you are allowed to submit the changes online. Ensure not to forget about the loyalty programs, vouchers, or credit cards you might have with some retail stores.
There is also a matter of paying student loans. When you were packing for college, these most likely weren’t your prime concerns. However, now you will have to let all loan providers know if you move.
Notifying the Employer is Inevitable
Even if your salary and bonuses are immediately deposited into your bank account, you will undoubtedly have to keep your employer updated regarding your brand-new address. That way, you will ensure to collect the right tax forms and everything else connected to your line of work and location.

Take Care of Social Security Administration
When finding useful tips and tricks to move efficiently, you need to consider all the additional assignments that await. So, when you move, who should you notify? Besides the post office, bank, IRS, and tax companies, there is more paperwork to handle. You must ensure to inform the SSA about your future location. Where to update your address when you move? If you receive any social security benefits, you should fill out their application online or give them a call.

Let You Gas and Electricity Suppliers Know About the Move
Here’s what you should keep in mind before throwing a moving away party:
- Get your priorities in order,
- Call or email your utility suppliers,
- Start with the basic ones, such as electricity and gas. You will want to get it done as soon as you can, which is right after learning what your new address will be.
And also, you must learn about the precise date you’ll be relocating. That way, you will avoid risking a single day without electricity or heat (especially if you plan to relocate in the winter).
While handling the transfer of your electric and gas services, ask their workers about their policies and ensure that they won’t shut off your power while you move. Furthermore, secure the service at your new place starts either the morning of your move-in or the evening before.
Keep Other Utility Providers Updated
As soon as you lay your hands on the doorknob of your brand-new residence, you will want to have all utilities arranged. We all love to go online, even when there’s no specific reason for us to scroll. And yet, for some people, the internet is one of the essential supplies. Those who work from home and use their digital skills to make a living must have the internet set up ASAP.
The drill is the same as with the electric company. You should call your phone, cable, and internet suppliers to inform them of your change of location as early as possible. Your cell phone provider will also need to be in the loop since they’ll have to be sure where to send your bills.
Depending on what kinds of services you’re liable for in your household, you’re most likely expected to reach the water provider, sewer utility company, and garbage pick-up.

Reach Out to Insurance Providers
Besides the long-distance moving insurance, you must get, you will have to deal with other providers and keep them notified regarding your relocation process and destination.
Notifying the agencies that provide you with health and dental insurance, car insurance, and life insurance is incredibly significant and should be done timely.
If you’re receiving health insurance through the federal marketplace, you should go to Healthcare.gov and follow their guidelines for reporting a move.
Your home or renters’ insurance agency must be notified where they need to transfer your policy. Some proprietors or management companies will require proof of transfer before your move-in date. So you have to get this taken care of promptly.
Individual Service Providers You Should Take into Account
Lastly, you will have to inform your doctor, dentist, and veterinarian about the relocation. If you’re planning to stay in the same area, they’ll have to obtain fresh information, primarily because of mailing and billing. If you’re relocating to another state or anywhere further, they might be able to offer you referrals.
Ultimately, if your relocation can get complicated in any way, don’t hesitate to acquire professional cross-country moving services.

Know Who to Notify When Moving Your House
When and where to update your address when you move? The most straightforward answer would be – ASAP and whichever way you find suitable. You can share information about your updated location through phone, mail, online, or by visiting a service provider or organization, you want to keep notified.
Before you get on with these assignments, pick the best time of the year to move. Also, take good care of researching and contacting reliable long-distance movers. Regardless of your precise needs, you should consider relying on expert relocation, car shipping, or storage services. Grab your computer, get cozy, and find your perfect ally.