Many people, about 14 percent of the total US population, think about cross-country moving in search of a better home, job opportunities, or higher education. If you’re one of them, then you’ll need a first apartment checklist to help you out with all tasks to do and items to buy. It’s something you should seriously consider since relocating isn’t only the packing and unpacking boxes.

If you plan the move for the first time, then you should consider many things. The first one is to hire professional cross-country moving services that will cover many tedious tasks. For example, you won’t have to worry about packing your belongings and their safety. The professionals will offer you moving insurance and, if needed, the storage facility, as well. However, this doesn’t mean you won’t have to do anything. On the contrary, you’ll have to plan the move to another city and ensure you avoid the relocation stress.
Think About What Are Some Essentials for a First Apartment Checklist
Every move requires time and good organization. But, if you don’t have any experience in the relocation process, everything might seem quite confusing and stressful. That’s why you should start planning as soon as possible and use all the relocation tips you can find. Doing everything you can to have an efficient move should be the goal.
However, between house hunting tips and thinking about what you need to rent a condo, handling other tasks can be challenging. So, the best thing you can do is make a relocation to-do list that will constantly keep you updated and on track with every task. Also, there’s a future place you have to transform into a home where you’ll have a fresh start. That being said, you realize that a checklist when moving to another state will be your best friend in this journey. No need to remember all the things you have to buy for the new place – just make a first apartment essentials list and you won’t forget a thing.
Prepare Yourself First – Plan the Budget for the Moving Expenses
If you’re moving out for the first time, then you’re probably wondering how much long-distance movers cost and how do I budget for my first apartment. That’s why the first thing you should do is set the budget. Include all the needed services in the relocation expenses checklist, like reliable auto transport, adding other necessities you must buy for the functional place.
This is essential because if you’re planning on buying bigger furniture, like a bed or mattress, you’ll have to know exactly your financial possibilities. But, before all that, make sure you do some other things:
- Keep in mind the layout of the new place,
- Measure each room and ensure all the furniture can fit.

Define Clearly What Things You Need for Your First Apartment Right Away and What Can Wait
After you set the budget and decide to save on relocation costs, you should deal with other stuff. When it comes to things you need for your first apartment, tips will be more than useful. You should distinguish between items you can buy later and absolutely necessary items.
The good news is that you can bring some of the stuff from the old home and not spend a fortune on the new ones. However, you should be aware that the more belongings you ship, the pricier the whole move will be. That is why the following items you can get later, after settling in:
- Rugs,
- Artwork,
- Lamps,
- Smaller kitchen appliances you don’t use daily.
For more similar ideas, you can watch the video below and get more clear information on what to buy and whatnot.
Create a Shopping List and Include Kitchen, Bathroom, Living Room Essentials
As we already mentioned, leave some stuff after the move and dedicate more time for those you should do before the move. From gathering packing materials to more practical stuff:
Once you put that on the list, proceed with other types of lists – shopping one. You surely don’t want to move to a place that doesn’t have the necessary stuff, like soap or toilet paper. That’s why having a faithful reminder (list) of everything needed is a must-have. Create mini checklists for each room. Every detail counts when making your new place feel at home.

Start With the Bathroom Checklist – Hygiene Products and Must-Have Accessories
We all want to adjust to the new surroundings as fast as possible. That’s why you should equip the rooms you’ll use the most in the first period – cook’s room, bathroom, and bedroom. However, you don’t think stuff, such as trash can, toilet paper, or shower curtains, can have something to do with it. Well, think twice.
A fully equipped and functional bathroom will mean a lot after a hard-working day. So, when you’re packing bathroom, ensure the following items arrive with you:
- Soap,
- Toothbrush and toothpaste,
- Clean towels,
- Cleaning supplies.
Of course, there are other necessities you can get later, after the move. For example, soap dispenser and holder, toilet plunger, tumblers.

Put on To-Do List Kitchen Appliances and Necessary Kitchenware
There are many reasons why people move, but one of the most common is finding a better new home. It’s no secret that we all want only the best for our family and ourselves. When it comes to equipping the new cookery, ensure you bring only the necessities and don’t pack every little kitchen item you have. So, get rid of all of the stuff you don’t use anymore by donating them to charity. Check the website Goodwill and help someone today.
Include Kitchen-Related Essentials Like Smaller Appliances and Necessities for Preparing Meals
A place where you’ll prepare all the meals is usually a room with a huge number of appliances and all kinds of furniture. So, you surely want it to be fully equipped. Keep in mind the things such as:
- Dining table,
- Chairs,
- Refrigerator,
- Smaller appliances,
- Cabinets,
- Pots and pans,
- Bowls, cups and plates,
- Trash bags.
Don’t forget the food preparation supplies and everything else needed to make a healthy meal. Also, the essentials that will help you in the cooking process should be on one of your lists. The aluminum foil, plastic wrap, and paper napkins or towels.

Cleaning Supplies Are Something You Should Buy for the New Place
Joggling between everything you want for the future place, it’s completely normal you forget some stuff. People usually don’t remember to get the cleaning supplies because the moving process has so many steps to think of. However, living in a place that isn’t fully cleaned should be on your mind.
If the future house has some of the furniture that is in good shape, such as a bed or mattress, ensure you give them a good deep cleaning first. Don’t omit this part because it can ruin the whole experience. So, include cleaning supplies in the moving necessities and roll up your sleeves.

Equip Your Future Bedroom With Necessities
Once you realize all the benefits of the relocation, pass on the bigger ones when all the little stuff is arranged. Will you move the furniture? Is it worth it, and are you financially stable to buy a brand new one? These are just some of the questions you should answer once you decide to move.
However, when it comes to preparing the bedroom, the first thing you should resolve is the bed and mattress question. There’s no better feeling than a good sleep, right? So, investing in these pieces is something you should definitely think about because it will be worth every penny.
Other important stuff to have in mind when preparing the bedroom is the storage space and closets and what will go in them:
- Closet organizers,
- Pillows,
- Sheets.
Do You Need to Buy a Bed or Mattress Before the Move?
You should sleep on a good and quality bed or mattress, but we all know how pricey this stuff can be. So, if your finances are tight in the first period, you can use a sleeping bag. It surely won’t be a comfortable experience, but it can be one of the solutions until you save some money.

Furnish the Living Room as You Always Wanted
When and how you will furnish your place depends on many factors. However, finances are the most important ones. So, depending on how much money you have, you’ll equip your living room with stylish furniture and other pieces.
On the other hand, you don’t have to get pieces of furniture directly from the stores. There are cheaper alternatives. You can always check the Craigslist website and find some second-hand pieces that are in good shape. Also, you can repurpose old furniture with many techniques and ideas.

Decorations and Other Smaller Items for Your Place
Once all the rooms are covered with separate lists and the budget is planned, you can proceed with other smaller stuff – decorations and technical stuff. From paintings, plants, bookshelves to giving your place a fresh coat of paint, checking the smoke detectors, replacing the locks, and getting the basic tool kit.
Check out some creative storage ideas for a more organized place and save some needed space, too. You should do this after the move because if you deal with this now, the whole process can become just too overwhelming.

With Checklist, Your Place Will Feel Like Home
You probably won’t feel homey right after the move. And no one could blame you for it because having all the boxes around you; it will be hard to organize. Give yourself credit and take as much time as you need. You’ll see, once everything from your lists is in the future place, you’ll adapt and handle the challenges more swiftly.